
Сообщения за июнь, 2020

What about your my, dear friend? №12

This time I need to evaluate the Anya's speech. Her speech was speeches to persuade. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Asking questions" and "Giving a quotation" techniques made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? Points: 9 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (8) Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stor

How To Practice Public Speaking

Hello! I want to show you a video that will help you in public speech! This video by  Nate Woodbury . Here's the video: Why do you need to watch this video? 1. This video is very beautiful As soon as you start watching videos, you like everything - shades, colors, shooting quality. You can immediately see that the video was shot by professionals. If you want a beautiful picture for your eyes, then here it is! 2. Live video Very often I see videos on the Internet where the image is shown and at the same time the person behind the frame says something. I don't like these videos. I want to see people, how they talk, what emotions they experience. If you have the same opinion as me, then this is the video you want! 3. Expert opinion In such a case as public speech, it's very important to hear the advice and recommendations of an expert. Therefore, I believe that this video is very important for viewing by those people who want to improv

It's Challenge Time! №8

Hello! This week, I completed the following challenge: call a friend and arrange a prank for them.  Well, this time's gonna be a little different :) I will tell you my completed challenge on behalf of my friend. The same friend whom I called and made a rally! "Hello, my name is Sasha. I have a friend called Dana. And she is a very cheerful person. And yesterday she did such an amazing thing that I want to tell you about! I had lunch when she called me. I thought she called to find out when we go for a walk on the promenade. And with a smile on my face I picked up the phone. I heard her uneven breathing, then I heard her cries: "Sasha, I have very important news for you!!!!" And she began to tell me that she needed to leave for Moscow. And she will live there. And that, most likely, she will never return to Novosibirsk. At first, I was silent for a long time, trying to understand whether everything I heard was true. Then I asked her: "Why

What about you, my dear friend? #fromthepast

Hello! This time I had to evaluate the speech of one of the students who gave their speech in the past! The speech is about the London Eye. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The speaker used the "Asking questions" technique. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given: "Have you ever been to London? If you have, you must have seen the eye of it - the British Airways London Eye." How effective was the introduction? The introduction was understandable. Points:  8 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well structured.   Points: 9 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? Points: 9 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completen

It's Challenge Time! №7

Hello! This time I performed a very unusual challenge: to sing a song on the subway! Yes, the whole country is now quarantined, but I dared to fulfill this challenge. Everything was done properly: I put on a mask and kept a distance between people. To start, I chose a song that I really love. You can listen to it yourself, it is wonderful: I was very scared. Probably, this is one of the most difficult challenges for me, although I always kept my confidence, performing on stage or in front of a huge number of people. And here I am at the station "Речной вокзал". Having sung a song, I went along the platform. Many people looked at me like crazy at first! They laughed at me, poked fingers at me and said: "What a crazy girl..." But I still walked and sang a song. After a while, people stopped laughing and began to look at me more seriously. Yes, the song was in a foreign language, but they still continued to listen carefully to me. I no longer heard

What about you, my dear friend? №11

This time I need to evaluate the Sayina's speech. Her speech was speeches to perform. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Asking questions" technique made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (9) Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.   Points:

Rowan Atkinson - Going On Your First Date

Good morning! Our teacher invited us to copy Atkinson by watching a video with his participation. Here's the video: Unfortunately, I had technical problems, so I can’t show you a video of my presentation. But I can tell you my opinion about Atkinson's performance! Rowan Atkinson, actor and comedian best known for his work as Mr Bean, hilariously acts out what a firstdate is really like. Throughout the video (as much as six minutes!) we don’t hear any words from the actor himself. But his facial expressions speak without words. In fact, it's incredibly difficult to express any feeling or emotion with the help of your facial expressions. Atkinson's facial expressions are remarkably developed, and this helped him entertain his audience. Name me one modern actor who can do silent acting as well and eloquently as Atkinson, and of course make you laugh without saying a single word? I really like his work and how he can make people laugh without a word! Have y

It's Challenge Time! №6

Hello! This week I completed the following challenge: to go live on Instagram! This was a difficult task for me. I don't like to disclose my personal life, especially to live broadcasts. But this is a challenge, and I'm not used to giving up on difficulties! When I started the live broadcast, only four people joined me. This made me happy because I still didn't want a large number of people to look at me. So that the audience was not bored, I decided to play a game with them called "Truth or Action". What is the essence of this game: viewers ask me a question: "Dana, what do you want - answer the question honestly or perform an action?" I have to choose, and based on my answer, viewers come up with a question or action. While my live broadcast was on, I had fun answering questions or doing some kind of action. At some time, I decided to look at the number of my viewers... I almost fell out of my chair! 63 viewers! I was in shock! I

What about you, my dear friend? №10

This time I need to evaluate the speech of Marina Babich. Her speech was about vocal speech delivery. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Asking questions" technique made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (9) Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories

What about you, my dear friend? №9

This time I need to evaluate the speech of Nastya Ostapenko. Her speech was about body language. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Giving a quotation" technique made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (9) Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.  

Social Psychology - The End!

This is the last week of our social psychology course. And this week we didn’t have to do a test, although I’m used to constantly doing them after watching lectures :) I really liked the course. I am grateful to our teacher for such an excellent opportunity to become a little closer to the human mind, especially human psychology. Have you taken this course? If so, what are your impressions?

Family Traditions - Draft №2

Introduction: Do you have your own traditions in your family? If not, do you know why many families have them? I know families who go camping several times during the summer. Families who gather at home every week and read poetry. Families who go to the store all together. Always. And these people who live in such families always go with a smile on their face. They are always in a good mood. They treat others with awe, not as strangers. Before, I didn’t think about how they constantly manage to be in a good mood. And I began to observe their relationship in the family. And I found the answer to my question. It's all about family traditions! Each of us needs to have something permanent, traditional, recurring in life from year to year, from week to week. For example, for kids, the rhythm of life is especially important: they just need to know that in the evening, their father will take them for a walk, everyone will go skiing on the weekend, and their grandmother w