Family Traditions - Draft №2


Do you have your own traditions in your family? If not, do you know why many families have them?

I know families who go camping several times during the summer. Families who gather at home every week and read poetry. Families who go to the store all together. Always. And these people who live in such families always go with a smile on their face. They are always in a good mood. They treat others with awe, not as strangers.

Before, I didn’t think about how they constantly manage to be in a good mood. And I began to observe their relationship in the family. And I found the answer to my question. It's all about family traditions!

Each of us needs to have something permanent, traditional, recurring in life from year to year, from week to week. For example, for kids, the rhythm of life is especially important: they just need to know that in the evening, their father will take them for a walk, everyone will go skiing on the weekend, and their grandmother will come to visit on holidays. If you don't have any traditions in your family yet, start one. You can come up with any reason, because any action fixed by time automatically becomes a tradition. And you will see your life turned upside down.

I would like to discuss various families that I know that have family traditions.


This is my friend, whose name is Sonya. And she always smiles. Always! Whatever happens around her, she never gets discouraged. I used to think she was a witch, honestly. And one day I asked her how she always managed to be in this state. And she told me that exercising in the morning helps her do this. I didn't understand anything! And with a smile on her face, she explained what it was all about...

Every morning, she and her parents and younger sister get out of bed and go to a huge room, so that the four of them together do exercises to finally wake up and fill up with energy. And when they do this together, Sonya feels inspired and even happy. And it's not even about the exercise, it's about who she does it with. Along with her family. This family tradition gives her a sense of confidence and even security. And I understand her, her whole family is in good health after daily exercise!

In addition, she told me that if her family didn't have such a tradition, she wouldn't feel so close to her family. Case together makes people really close, necessary and friendly. You begin to understand that your family is not just a community of blood relatives.

Overall, after our conversation, I made a conclusion for myself - family traditions create happiness in the family.

This is a photo of my friend Ira. And this photo is part of her family traditions. Every month she goes with her family to take pictures. And a joint trip with her parents, grandparents and daughter is not necessary to get beautiful photos. Each time she goes with her daughter in the car first for her parents, then for her grandparents. After taking photos, they go either to a restaurant or have dinner at home. That is, every time they are... unite.

Watching from the side, you can see that each member of the family is busy with something different - someone prepares a salad, someone sets the table, someone supports morale with their jokes. Do you already feel how warmth, tenderness and comfort envelop their family? Although they only went to take pictures!

In other words, family members come together through common habits. Everyone does their part in the family traditions but still - they do it together as a whole family.

To sum up, her family made it clear to me that family traditions allow all family members to be always close to each other.

As you can guess, this is my family. Looking at our smiles, it's not difficult to understand that we are happy. Because we always go to celebrations all together. This is our tradition.

Besides, we used to have one tradition. And I would like to tell you about it.

Since childhood, my brother and I have loved a day of the week as Sunday. Every morning on this day, my mother baked pancakes for us. We were woken up by the sweet smell coming from the kitchen. And we run to our mother so she poured us some milk and fed us with pancakes. Even when we were no longer children, we still waited for Sunday. Because the main thing for us was not to eat pancakes, but to feel mother's care and love.

Four years ago, my brother moved to another city. And since I was left alone with my mom, this tradition began to slowly disappear. My mom bakes pancakes less often in the morning. And I realized that the lack of this family tradition upsets me more every time. I began to feel that I was moving away from my brother. And it's not even in the distance.

From my own experience, I found that family traditions make you a happy person even if you don’t notice it.


Do you have your own traditions in your family? If not, do you know why many families have them?

Yes, now you know how strongly family traditions affect the way of life in the family. Firstly, family traditions create happiness in the family. Secondly, family traditions allow all family members to be always close to each other. Finally, family traditions make you a happy person.

Besides this, you understand what happens when traditions cease to exist or they don't exist at all in the family. Primarily, a family without traditions becomes just a community of blood relatives. Also, a family without traditions has no reason to unite. And in the end, the lack of family traditions leads to distance from relatives.

To sum up, I can say that family relationship is like a fire. It can keep people warm on cold nights, but if you forget to add wood to this fire, it will die down. It's the same with your family. If you don't maintain unity and comfort in the family, you can destroy the warm family atmosphere. So, throw "branches" in your "fire", and your family will be really strong and friendly. And don't forget that your own hapiness is the hapiness in your family!
