What about you, my dear friend? №10

This time I need to evaluate the speech of Marina Babich. Her speech was about vocal speech delivery.

1. Introduction.

What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Asking questions" technique made listeners interested in her speech.

Any link-element? It was given in the speech

Was the thesis statement given? Yes, the thesis statement was given

How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable.

Points:  10

2. Body.

How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10

What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material.

How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10

Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (9)

Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.   Points: Some (10)

Was it coherent?  Points: 10

Points:  9

3. Conclusion.

What technique(s) was used in the conclusion? There was a summarizing the major points of Marina's speech.

Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?) Yes.

How effective was the conclusion? Points: Very effective (10)

Points:  10

What do you think? How would you rate this performance?
