
Сообщения за апрель, 2020

5 Steps for Persuasive Speech

In this assignment, I must describe five steps that will help me successfully reveal my persuasive speech. 1. Learn about a Topic A major part of the difficulty about writing a persuasive speech is learning about a topic. I need to know as much as possible about the subject I need to speak on 2. Define The Purpose I have to understand what I need to achieve with my speech.  Once you define what you expect from the audience, you'll be able to easily craft your message. It's also important to understand the views and knowledge of your audience about a topic. 3. Write a Strong Opening Before I can start persuading my audience, I have to attract their attention. A strong and effective opening has an attention grabber – this can be a little startling or dramatic statement that will get your audience’s attention instantly. 4. Offer Persuasive Evidence The main body of my speech should include several convincing reasons to support my point of view


Here's the task 5: 1. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. – Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809– 1892) 2. Never explain – your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway. – Elbert Hubbard (1856–1915) 3. Well done is better than well said. – Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) 4. I’m President of the United States and I’m not going to eat any more broccoli! – George H W Bush (1924–) 5. To get back my youth I would do anything in the world except take exercise, get up early or be respectable. – Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) 6. Words are, of course, the most powerful drug known to mankind. – Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936) 7. We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. – Martin Luther King, Jr (1929–1968) 8. My one regret in life is that I’m not someone else. – Woody Allen (1935–) 9. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. – Albert Einstein (1879–1955) 10. I hear and I


Hello! In the last post I wrote the topic of my speech - eSports and its importance in society. Now I need to set a purpose and objectives that I need to achieve with my speech: Purpose:  I want to widely and thoroughly disclose this topic so that my listeners recognize and become interested in this area in society. Objectives:  Explain the concept itself and delve into the specifics of this sphere of society. Visualize the importance and value of eSports. Explain the difference between eSports players and "amateurs" Dispel all doubts and misunderstandings of listeners about the seriousness of eSports. What do you think about my purpose and objectives?

Clarifying Your Purpose

Nice to meet you here! This time we were given a very important task - to choose a topic for a persuasive speech. I think that the theme for my speech will be eSports and its importance in modern society . - Why should I want to talk about this? Today, many people have come across such a concept as eSports, or at least heard this word. That is why I want to widely and thoroughly disclose this topic so that my listeners recognize and, possibly, become interested in this area in society. - Why should anybody want to listen to me? Our society doesn't stand still, it's developing rapidly every day. And eSports is one of the sectors in modern society that will sooner or later affect each of us. And to be prepared for this, I think that my listeners should learn as much as possible. - What single message would I want to put across? Esports are not just computer games, but a wide circle of people with a large number of opportunities and common interests that can go to

What about you, my dear friend? №4

Another speaker, Nastya, told us about the preparation of our speech. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The technique of using questions and answers made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element?  The key to successful presentation is preparition. Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, it was accurate and correct. How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used the supporting material, the presentation in PowerPoint. Her speech coincided with the information that was displayed in the presentation. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completene

What about you, my dear friend? №3

Today we needed to evaluate the performance of our groupmate using our table. The topic of Natasha's speech was about the the idea how to think creative 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The technique of m aking references made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element?  Many people say: “I’m not a creative or a genious” Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, it was accurate and correct. How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used the supporting material, the presentation in PowerPoint. Her speech coincided with the information that was displayed in the presentation. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It wa

It's Challenge Time! №2

Words are, of course, the most powerful drug  used by mankind Rudyard Kipling Hello! Once again, I want to tell you about my exploits! :) Another challenge that didn't cause me any difficulties was to call an unknown number and apologize for the fake call. At least I thought so... In order to dial the number, I used a mix from my mother’s and brother’s numbers. After waiting a while, I heard a pleasant and calm male voice. Having heard such notes in his voice, I even forgot what I was going to do. When I recovered in time, I asked the man: "Good afternoon. Is this the number of Anna, my sister?" Actually, I was going to ask about my brother but that was no longer important. I heard a laugh, and the answer confused me: "I have a kind of male voice, right?" And then I realized how stupid my question was about my fake sister. After an awkward silence, I said only one thing: "Yes, really..." At that moment I wanted to disappear from this

Social Psychology №9

Hi! Yesterday I studied the ninth module of the social psychology course. Here's my result:  What about your result?

What about you, my dear friend? №2

Today we needed to evaluate the performance of our groupmate using our table. The topic of Polina's speech was about the effective listening. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The technique of using questions and answers made listeners interested in her speech. Listening is as important as speaking. Any link-element?  Listening is as important as speaking. Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, it was accurate and correct. How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:   10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.    Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used the supporting material, the presentation in PowerPoint. Her speech coincided with the information that was displayed in the presentation. How understandable was the information (was

Social Psychology №8

Hello! I studied the eighth module in a course in social psychology! Here's my result: What about your result?

It's Challenge Time! №1

I decided to choose the first challenge «Call and order food» Since we needed to choose the easiest challenge, I chose it, because it was never difficult for me to order food by phone. All my friends constantly ask me to talk on the phone when we need to order something. I'm not afraid to call the food company; I'm not shy to talk with the operator. I called and greeted the operator. I specified the price for pasta and soup, the delivery time to my area in my city and the type of payment for the order. I believe that this challenge was excellent. No difficulties, no fear. What about your first challenge?

What Time Is It? It's Challenge Time!

This week we have a difficult but at the same time interesting task. We have to come up with 10 challenges. Which and for what? Many people have a fear of public speaking, which I have repeatedly spoken about in my posts. In order to cope with our fears, we need to fulfill these challenges, constantly communicating with people, sometimes even completely unfamiliar. Here are my challenges: 1. Sing a song in the subway. 2. Call and order food. 3. Call an unfamiliar number and apologize for the fake call. 4. On the way to the store, say hello and try to talk with a stranger. 5. Go live on Instagram. 6. Go to the neighbors and give them something. 7. Meet the neighbors at the elevator and try to be a concierge. 8. Go to the stranger in the store and ask for advice on what to cook for dinner. 9. Call a friend and arrange a rally. 10. Record the video in a TikTok and upload it to my blog. Do you like this challenges? Can you complete one of the challenges? If so, whi

Here are the tips!

Today we were given the task of choosing three useful tips to deal with the stage fright. 1. It's OK to make mistakes. Give up trying to be perfect. Be natural, be yourself! 2. Visualize your success. Always focus on your strength and ability to handle challenging situations. 3. Stop scaring yourself with thoughts about what might go wrong. Instead, focus your attention on thoughts and images that are calming and reassuring! I hope that these tips will help you become better and forget about such a "terrible" thing as a stage fright. Enjoy it!

Physiological Reactoins to Stress or Fear of Public Speaking

This time, our task was to choose our reactions that occur to us during public speaking. My reaction is " Breaths become rapid " When I give a public speech, very often my voice betrays my excitement. I begin to breathe more often, my voice trembles, sometimes I can stumble not because I don't remember the text but because I can't control my breath. The body's need for a steady supply of oxygen requires rapid, shallow breathing, which cycles the largest volume of air in and out of the lungs. I think that I need to work with breathing to make my performances sound better. To breathe calmer, I must fight my fears and weaknesses. I think I can do it! :) What about you? What reactions do you have when you give a public speech?

What about you, my dear friend?

Today we needed to evaluate the performance of our groupmate using our table. The topic of Polina's speech was about the stage fright. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction?  I don't think that any techniques were used in this presentation. Any link-element? The statement that stage fright is connected with communication. Was the thesis statement given? There was not a clear thesis statement in the introduction. How effective was the introduction?  I think that writing is hard to impress people. Maybe during an oral presentation it would be more spectacular. Points:   6 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented?  The speech was well prepared and well structured.    Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech?  The speaker used organizational patterns. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?  Since the presentation was written, the topic of the presentatio

Social Psychology №7

Hello! Last week I studied the seventh module in a course in social psychology. Here is my result after passing the test: What about your result?

Toastmasters 2017

Hello, my dear friends! This time our task was to evaluate the performances of the best speakers at the competition TOASTMASTERS 2017. First perfomance: Manoj Vasudevan , "Pull Less, Bend More" 1. Speech content: Organization: 20 Support: 15 Cohesion: 10 2. Speech Delivery: Vocal presentation:  15 Physical presentation:  20 3. General Effectiveness Amount of time used: 7 minutes Adherence to time requirements:  5 Creativity: 2 Total points: 87 Second perfomance: Kevin Stamper, "Speak Up" 1. Speech content: Organization:  17 Support:  15 Cohesion:  10 2. Speech Delivery: Vocal presentation:  10 Physical presentation:  20 3. General Effectiveness Amount of time used:  7 minutes Adherence to time requirements:  5 Creativity:  5 Total points: 82 Third perfomance: Simon Bucknall, " What James Bullock Taught Me " 1. Speech content: Organization:  20 Support:  15 Cohesion:  10 2.

Evaluating Speech Content Component

The next task for my group was to choose a table to evaluate our speech. And here you can see the table that we have selected: № Very effective (10, 9, 8) Average (7, 6, 5) Not effective  (4, 3,2, 1) Max points My points 1. Introduction 10 What technique(s) was used in the  introduction? Any link-element? Was the thesis statement given? How effective was the introduction? 2. Body 10 How well structured was the information presented? What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety) Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories. Was it coherent? 3. Conclusion 10 What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?

Social Psychology №6

Hello! A couple of days ago I finished studying the sixth module of the course on social psychology. This module dealt with such a concept as information and types of communication between people. And as always, I passed the test after studying this module. Here's my result: What about you? How many points did you score?