
Сообщения за июль, 2020

It's Challenge Time! №10

Hello guys! It's time for the last challenge! I admit, it was the most difficult and scared me more than a challenge with a song on the subway! I had to record a video and put it in TikTok. Here is the video: As you can see, my face was without any emotions. It should be so! The essence of this challenge is to dance with a face without emotions. If you want to watch the first video with this challenge, then here it is : So my challenges have ended. I'm very glad that each of them went through! But now I can safely go up to any stranger and talk with him, sing songs in public places, and even conduct live broadcasts on social networks and post videos with my own participation! Which challenge do you like most? Which one do you like the least?

Мой уровень ораторского мастерства №2

Знакомый пост, не правда ли? Нам было предложено вновь пройти анкету, которую мы заполняли в самом начале нашего обучения и сравнить результаты. Что же, поехали! Задание:  Вспомните те случаи из вашей жизни, когда вы успешно выступили перед собравшейся аудиторией. Представьте эти ситуации и прокомментируйте каждое из приведённых ниже утверждений как "да" "нет", "иногда" 1. Во время выступления я обычно стараюсь «публично мыслить», чтобы слушатели следили за ходом моих рассуждений -  да . 2. В своих выступлениях я, как правило, сопоставляю противоположные точки зрения, факты, концепции -  иногда. 3. В процессе аргументации я обычно ввожу заведомо абсурдное утверждение, приписав его реальному или возможному оппоненту -  нет . 4. Я часто применяю проблемную подачу тезиса, например, в форме вопроса -  да. 5. Для выступления я выбираю наиболее убедительные и красноречивые аргументы, отбрасывая все менее значительное (оптимальное количество аргумен

It's Challenge Time! №9

Hello! This time my challenge is to go to the neighbors and give them something. Since quarantine is still held in our country I was ready for this challenge - face mask, social distance. My neighbor and friend Vanya lives three floors higher. He was my "victim" :) Since I already sang a song on the subway I wasn't afraid to go to a neighbor :) I took some candy, cookies, and a couple of face masks in case he needed them. I knew that he was returning home late at night so after waiting I went to him. And to be more precise - I went by elevator :) When I knocked on his door, a face full of surprise and misunderstanding appeared in front of me. When Vanya asked what happened, I gave him sweets and masks and said: "Do not be sick!" He was so surprised that he just stood still, saying nothing. When he realized that I had come with good intentions, and even with sweets, he smiled and said: “Come in. I also have something for you!” Then it was