
Сообщения за май, 2020

Family Traditions - Draft

Introduction: Do you have your own traditions in your family? If not, do you know why many families have them? I know families who go camping several times during the summer. Families who gather at home every week and read poetry. Families who go to the store all together. Always. And these people who live in such families always go with a smile on their face. They are always in a good mood. They treat others with awe, not as strangers. Before, I didn’t think about how they constantly manage to be in a good mood. And I began to observe their relationship in the family. And I found the answer to my question. It's all about family traditions! Let's think, what is the family made up of? Father, mother, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather... But what else does a family consist of? Relationships, communication between family members, intimacy with each other, love, tenderness in every touch, kindness in the look. What then helps the family generate these th

Family Traditions - Outline

Last time I wrote a post that I would talk about eSports in my persuasive speech. But I changed my mind! I think that the topic about family traditions is more interesting and useful for all of us. So I will write an outline again for my persuasive speech. Purpose statement: to persuade my audience that keeping the family traditions alive is very important to feel close to a family. Introduction:  1. Do you have your own traditions in your family? If not, do you know why many families have them?    A. Traditions are an important part of creating a favorable atmosphere in your home.    B. If you don't have any traditions in your family yet, you can start them. 2. I would like to discuss various families that I know that have family traditions.    C. Family traditions create happiness in the family.    D. Family traditions allow all family members to be always close to each other.    E. Family traditions make you a happy and successful

It's Challenge Time! №5

Hi, my friend! This week I completed the challenge again! This time I decided to choose a challenge not from my list. I really liked the challenge performed by Nastya Ostapenko. She read a poem to a stranger. I decided to do the same! To start, I had to choose a poem. In lessons in the practice of oral and written speech, we had the task to learn Ridyard Kipling's poem "If". You can see the text here: So I was looking for a victim again on my way to the store (Oh, God, the store again... :D ). I saw a nice old lady standing by the door. I went up to her and said "Good morning!". She smiled and returned the greeting. I told her: "I want to read you a poem! But I want to warn you right away that it will be in English." The woman was confused, but said that she would very much like to hear a poem in a foreign language. After I told her the poem, she looked at me with admiration and secretly wiped away her tears. I asked her why s

What about you, my dear friend? №8

This time I need to evaluate Dasha's speech. Her speech was about effective speech delivery. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Asking questions" and "Telling a story" technique made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (8) Use of facts, illus

Social Psychology №12

Hello! This time I studied the twelfth module in the course of social psychology. Here's my result: What about your result?

Effective Use of Language

This week, we had to do some exercises on how to use the language effectively. Let's see what we got! 1. Concrete and Specific Language . Study the examples below. Which is more concrete and specific? What effect is created? He is a bad roommate He is lazy and discourteous He is untidy and unclean He doesn't clean up his own messes He leaves his dirty dishes on the kitchen counter Your relationship with John is unacceptable You do not get along well with John You and John have a lot of arguments You and John insult each other too much You and John call each other derogatory names I believe that in the second paragraph the sentences are more concrete and specific.  Thanks to them, an understanding is created that we are talking about a person who is not a very good neighbor. 2. Concise Language Shorten the sentences above to avoid wordiness (1) It is widely discussed by employees that many of them will be forced to change jobs and

It's Challenge Time! №4

Hello! This time I had to complete the following challenge: o n the way to the store, say hello and try to talk with a stranger. Again I went to the store to look for adventures! As I walked to the store, I was thinking about what I should talk to a stranger about. Maybe about the weather, or about the mood of a person, or maybe about politics. While I was thinking about the topic of conversation, a man came towards me with a smile on his face. I think I found a victim... :) I went up to the man and said, " Hello!" He looked at me and said: "Hi." I decided to improvise and make up a conversation right now. I asked him how he was doing, what his mood was, how he was feeling. The man looked extremely surprised, but still answered my questions and asked me questions himself. After our little conversation, I said to him: "Thank you for not being afraid of me!" He laughed and told me that it was nice and interesting to talk to me, even though we d

What about you, my dear friend? №7

This time I need to evaluate Katya's speech. Her speech was about writing a speech. 1. Introduction. What technique(s) was used in the introduction? "Asking questions" technique made listeners interested in her speech. Any link-element? It was given in the speech Was the thesis statement given?  Yes, the thesis statement was given How effective was the introduction? The introduction was interesting and understandable. Points:  10 2. Body. How well structured was the information presented? The speech was well prepared and well structured.   Points: 10 What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining and she used a lot of supporting material. How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)? It was excellent!  Points: 10 Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety).  Points: Lots of (8) Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.   Points: So

Social Psychology №11

This week I studied the eleventh module in the course of social psychology. Here's the result of my test: What about your result?


In this post I will show you the outline of my persuasive speech. Purpose statement:  to widely and thoroughly disclose such a topis as eSports. To persuade my audience that eS ports are not just computer games, but a wide circle of people with a large number of opportunities and common interests that can go to a higher level every day. Introduction:  1. Have you ever heard of eSports tournaments?    A. Previously, people played and competed in a completely different way than we are used to now.    B. Battle in one virtual space. Body:  1. Current trends in the gaming industry    A. The rapid development of eSports       a) International level competitions       b) Large-scale eSports tournaments 2. My own experience in eSports.    A. Participation in e-sports tournaments in Novosibirsk.       a) "Tekken"       b) "Versus"    B. Participation in e-sports tournaments in other cities of Russia.      

The Beginning of the Oratorical Monologue

This week, our task was to watch video clips, paying special attention to the beginning of the oratory monologue, and answer the question “Did your attention draw the technique used by the speaker at the beginning of his monologue to the topic of his speech?” Give the answer on a five-point scale, where: 1 - no 2 - rather no than yes 3 - more likely than not 4 - yes 5 - very attracted №   видео Ссылка на видео Смотреть до (мин.) Ваш ответ 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KkKuTCFvzI 0:26 4 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLJsdqxnZb0 3:06 3 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFnGhrC_3Gs 1:45 3 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzIp4IzDPG0 0:41 5 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8COaMKbNrX0 0:36 3 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf7BXwVeyWw 0:54 3 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX78iKhInsc 0:38 4 8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_6vDLq64gE 0:35 5 9 https://www.youtube.