It's Challenge Time! №4


This time I had to complete the following challenge: on the way to the store, say hello and try to talk with a stranger.

Hello! | Super Simple Songs - YouTube

Again I went to the store to look for adventures!

As I walked to the store, I was thinking about what I should talk to a stranger about. Maybe about the weather, or about the mood of a person, or maybe about politics. While I was thinking about the topic of conversation, a man came towards me with a smile on his face. I think I found a victim... :)

I went up to the man and said, " Hello!" He looked at me and said: "Hi." I decided to improvise and make up a conversation right now. I asked him how he was doing, what his mood was, how he was feeling. The man looked extremely surprised, but still answered my questions and asked me questions himself.

After our little conversation, I said to him: "Thank you for not being afraid of me!" He laughed and told me that it was nice and interesting to talk to me, even though we didn't know each other at all!

After this challenge, I realized that many people aren't afraid to talk to strangers at all. I think it's a good thing, there's nothing wrong with smiling at a person and getting a smile back.

Have a good day!


  1. Dana, I'm very proud of you! You communicated with people in all of your challenge and the result are obvious! You are in a right way! Look forward to your next challenge!


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