Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Stage Fright

Have you ever made a prediction about your life that came true?

For instance, you might predict that a project you are working on will turn out exceedingly well, and feel confident in your ability to foresee the future when your hard work pays off and your project is received positively.

Alternatively, you might expect that a speech you have to give at a work event will go terribly, and thus you feel no surprise when you stutter, mumble, and frequently forget your next point while speaking.
Although you could take these instances as evidence that you know yourself and your abilities quite well (and this can be true), you might not think about the effects your expectations have on your behavior.

When our beliefs and expectations influence our behavior at the subconscious level, we're enacting what is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

How does this relate to the stage fright?

As a rule, when we speak in front of an audience, we are afraid that we may look stupid, speak with mistakes, and listeners may laugh at us. Our own self-fulfilling prophecy tells us that our presentation will not be successful. 

How to get rid of such thoughts?

Treat your performance with ease! Do not think that everyone around you thinks about you only from the negative side. Audience listeners may just as well be afraid to go on stage and feel uncomfortable.

If you are willing stop avoiding your fears and learn new skills to reduce and manage them, you will develop an empowering belief and trust in yourself. In facing your fear, it becomes possible to overcome performance anxiety and find comfort and ease in expressing yourself in front of others.

Do you have a stage fright? How are you trying to deal with it?
