5 Basic Rules of Netiquette

Every day we write messages to our friends, watch news and read posts and articles on the Internet. We also write comments and posts to talk about events in our lives and share opinions on any occasion. But do we always do it right? Do we think that our words can offend or upset even if we didn't want to?

We must always remember the rules of the netiquette which will allow us to communicate on social networks without problems and to avoid troubles and conflicts.

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Rule #1 The Human Element

We write all posts and comments while at the computer or holding the phone in our hands. But these posts and comments are read by people, not robots. Therefore, we mustn't forget that all communication in social networks happens as if we are talking with people in real life.

Rule #2 Check Yourself

Nobody can judge your appearance, voice tone, or something else. You will, however, be judged based on your content and engagement, so keep this tip in mind: be positive and courteous in your general behavior!

Rule #3 Respect People's Privacy

We all consider each other as friends on the Internet but you are mistaken - many people don't like mentioning themselves in posts or comments. Before you post a photo or name your friend in a post, make sure that this person will not mind. And it's better not to write the name in the post at all :)

Rule #4 Share Your Expertise

Information that you provide can live on the internet forever, where it will remain accessible by people for years to come. You shouldn't post photos of your face on your blog too often or write any nonsense that isn't interesting to anyone. Useful information will always be in demand and needed for the audience so find your path and go for it!

Rule #5 Forgive

Not everyone knows the rules of netiquette. At some point, you will see a stupid question, read an unnecessarily long response, or encounter misspelled words; when this happens, practice kindness and forgiveness. If you feel compelled to respond to a mistake, do so in a private email rather than a public forum.

From these rules I learned a lot of useful information. Now I feel like a professional in communication on social networks :))

I hope these rules will become a reason for you to look at your posts and comments and think about how polite and pleasant you are in communication. Good luck!
