About my previous year

This week we were given the first task - to tell about the events that happened to us in 2019. We had to select photos related to these events and tell about them within five minutes.

It was a great opportunity for us to evaluate our skills in public speech because we recorded our performances on video so that we could look at ourselves from the outside and understand what we did well and what we need to work on.

Here's the video of my speech:

3 things that I liked about my speech:
  • I spoke without a hint
Many people when speaking constantly peep into the text to remember what to talk about next. Sometimes the speaker just reads from a sheet, it's boring and uninteresting. I told without prompts, without reading the text from a notebook
  • I spoke with the gestures and emotions
If I didn't use gestures and spoke in the same color, without any emotions, then people would stop listening to me after a couple of minutes of my speech. That is why I accompanied my words with the help of hand movements and a smile in those moments when I talked about funny and pleasant moments in the past year
  • I didn't use the text on the slides in the presentation
If people can read the text on slides then why should I read the same thing? That is why I didn't write a single word on the slides. The words were written inside my head and only I saw them. When people don't see the text they listen to you trying not to miss a word, thanks to this I got more attention during the speech

3 things I'd like to improve:
  • I make mistakes in case of worrying
I make mistakes very often when I worry. That is why I want to stop being afraid to give a speech. Then I will be less likely to make mistakes and make my speech correct and smooth
  • I want to get rid of "fillers"
Excessive use of these words will cause some discomfort for the audience and most likely the audience will begin to get bored and stop listening to me
  • I want to get rid of unnecessary gestures
Yes, in one of the paragraphs I said that the use of gestures is useful and necessary. But some of my movements were superfluous. For example, I often touched my hair, face. What for? Well, who'd have known. Such gestures distract listeners but I don't want to lose attention

I hope I can improve my skills very soon!

What about feedback? :) Leave your comments, thank you!


  1. Hi, my friend. I like your new post. It was instructive to watch the video (by the way thanks for sharing important moments of your life ) with the speech and after all look how you analyze yourself. Thank you for this experience!


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